Our Story

Our website has founded since May 26 2022(The same day Sally Ride was born). We have released the very first version on August the 1st 2022. Cartimpedia is hosted from GitHub, an internet hosting platform.

Fun Fact: At first, we decided to make Cartimpedia as a RickRoll Page XD! But we thought about it and since it is a crazy idea, we changed it to Wikipedia like website ;)!

Our Mission

Our mission is to RICKROLL YOU!

Just kidding. We're always here to give you tons of information on all branches of knowledge

Meet The Team


Cartim Draluc

CEO & Founder

Hi! I'm Cartim Draluc. I'm currently learning HTML and CSS from Internet. I am working hard to study aboard!

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Nyan Kaung Set


I'm Nyan Kaung Set. I'm from Myanmar (formerly known as Bruma). I'm also learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript as well as Bootstrap.

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